Featured Naturalista Deborah Coleman

Featured Naturalista Deborah Coleman! 

Where are you from?
I am from Belleville, Illinois. You probably haven't heard of it lol.

What’s something we wouldn't know by looking at you?
Most people wouldn't guess that I'm even natural. I have no length to show for it. I do a lot with my hair but wearing my afro isn't my favorite thing to do.

Heat Straightened Natural Hair

How long have you been natural?
My entire life. I only recently started embracing it.

Did you do the Big Chop or did you transition to natural hair and When?
You could say I'm trying to transition into a heat-less natural for the first time and that started when I was 19, I'm only 20 now.

With the boo!

Did you have a support system?
Not exactly. My mom never allowed me to get a relaxer even when I begged at a young age. Since I've been trying more natural styles I would say my mom and boyfriend are the most tolerant of it. Lol!

What is more important to you - Hair Length or Hair Health?
Hair health for sure. Healthy hair does lead to longer hair, but long damaged hair is just a mess to deal with.

What are some of your favorite natural hair products? Shea butter! No specific brand, just Shea butter in general is my hairs best friend. Coconut oil works well for me also

Protective styles

What is your natural hair regimen?
I wouldn't even say I have one to be honest. I don't let anyone touch my hair. I wash every other day except when I'm wearing extensions. Then I usually throw some Shea butter on there, put it in a bun and sleep in a silk scarf.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering to go natural or a newly natural sista?
My advice would be: Don't get caught up in what other people have to say. Everyone isn't ready to see big hair and will have ignorant comments. Also what products work for everyone else, may not be for you at all. Shop around till you find your match.

Where can we find you? 
You can find me on instagram @debbie_cakez


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